Sleep Matters! 10 tips to Improve your Sleep Tonight

According to my sleep app, I slept 8 hours and 9 minutes last night. Sounds great, right? Only, it wasn’t. I tossed and turned all night long, and never cycled through the deeper, restorative phases of sleep. I logged the recommended hours, but I most certainly did not wake up feeling refreshed, relaxed, energized or ready to take on the day.

When it comes to sleep, quality really matters. Eight hours of fragmented, light sleep is not doing anyone any favors. If you're struggling to get a good night's rest, here are 10 science-driven tips to help improve your sleep, health, and overall well-being. I’ll be paying special attention to this list today :)

10 tips to Improve your Sleep Tonight

  1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule: Aim to go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time each morning.

  2. Create a relaxing sleep routine to help you wind down before bed and signal to your brain it's time to rest. Dim the lights, turn off the screens, take a warm bath or do some breath work.

  3. Get outside. Morning sunlight is especially helpful in regulating our natural circadian rhythm and improving the quality of sleep.

  4. Avoid afternoon naps, even if you are feeling tired.

  5. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm.

  6. Avoid heavy dinners too close to bedtime and late-night snacking.

  7. Move your body every day, but avoid working out 3 hours before bedtime.

  8. Turn off all screens at least an hour before bedtime.

  9. Keep your bedroom dark and cool: 65 degrees seems to be the sweet spot when it comes to sleep.

  10. If after 20 minutes you are still having trouble falling asleep, get out of bed, keep the lights dim, and do something calming until you feel sleepy.

You should always speak with your doctor if you continue to have trouble sleeping, but we hope these tips help!

@sleepfoundation @americancancerassociation @mayoclinic @cdcgov
